I gave up all stuff like playing cricket,roaming&talking to gf before twenty days of my exam commencement##
I started to mug stuffs of books&fair copies but during study,many times i didn't get many questions so,i got disappointment##
My many friends were weaker than me in study,thinking it i procured a little satisfaction##
As Bsc-III exam date was coming nearer,in my mind i was obtaining more frustration##
My room was always lit up with white LED bright light##
Only books and college copies were all around me in late night##
Only books and college copies were all around me in late night##
When I sat down on the apt bench,beside me I saw a black&fat toad who was my nescient classmate##
I had thought,if I don't know any answer then I'll ask an examinee who will be beside me but I had a bad fate##
Very funny poem on exam