

Common example of liquid crystal is the Soap–bubble


Q.Common example of liquid crystal is the Soap – bubble.


Common example of liquid crystal is the Soap – bubble
Common example of liquid crystal is the Soap – bubble


It is very interesting to know about the common example of liquid crystal. It is a frequent asked question in General Knowledge book. You will get the answer of what is the common example of liquid crystal. We will also discuss some more important questions related to ‘Smell of Chemistry’ like ‘common example of liquid crystal’, ‘Synthetic rubber may be prepared from what’etc.




1. Common example of liquid crystal is the  _______________ .

Answer :- Soap – bubble


2. Synthetic rubber may be prepared from  _______________ .

Answer :- Ethyl alcohol


3. Glycerine is a type of  _______________ .

Answer :- Alcohol


4. Very pure water may be cooled to -60C without any  _______________ being formed.

Answer :- Ice


5. Atropine is an example of  _______________ .

Answer :- Alkaloid


6. There is  _______________ in outer space.

Answer :- carbon-monooxide


7. Steel may be carbonized by scrubbing blocks of carbon on it uniformly at  _______________ .

Answer :- High Speed


8. Noble gases generally form  _______________ .

Answer :- Compounds


9. _______________ in the atmosphere is destroyed substantially by fluorocarbon compounds.

Answer :- Ozone layer


10. Venom the poisonous liquid of a snake, is  _______________ .

Answer :- Proteins


11. Coal burns in air to form  _______________ .

Answer :- Carbon dioxide


12. Ammonia gas is manufactured by using the two gases  _______________ and  _______________ .

Answer :- Hydrogen , Nitrogen


13. _______________ is a base that is soluble in water and neutralizes  _______________ in water.

Answer :- Alkali Acid


14. _______________ is an important salt used for baking and act an antacid.

Answer :- Sodium bicarbonate


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