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I hope u
would like reading these all chapters of bihar text book class 4 English.
Here, ‘Let me dial class 4 question answer’ is fully explained.
Write these questions answers of ‘let me dial’ class 4 English chapter 4 bihar
board in your fair copy.
CLASS – 4 { CHAPTER – 4 }
A. Warmer
Can you tell the
mobile numbers of your friends and relatives?
you want to talk on a mobile phone?
do you feel when you have a mobile in your hand?
your experience of talking on a mobile phone.
Mummy, Mummy, let me dial
You’ve got a new mobile.
Who is on the other end,
Brother, sister or a friend ?
Hi ! Hello ! with a smile,
Mummy, Mummy, let me dial,
Mummy, give me your mobile.
Words to know
dial - फ़ोन पर नंबर मिलाना/लगाना
mobile – मोबाइल फ़ोन
smile –मुस्कान
B. Let’s Think and Tell
1. Who is the speaker in
the poem?
Ans :- A little girl is the speaker in
the poem.
2. What does the daughter
ask her mother to give?
Ans :- The daughter asks her mother to
give her mobile.
C. Let’s Think and Write
C.1. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements.
a. The child wants to talk on the
mobile. (
b. The mother has got an old mobile. ( )
c. The child smiles when he/she talks on
a mobile. (
d. The child asks for his/her Papa’s
mobile. (
Answer :-
a. T b. F c. T d. F
D. Let’s increase word power
D.1. Look at the examples and
fill in the blanks with the words given in the box :
Let me enter the room.
Let me _________ home now.
Let me _________ the work.
Let me _________ a song.
Let me _________ to my friend.
Let me _________ the book.
Answer :- go, do,
sing, speak, read
E. Let’s Learn
E.1. For the teacher : We use words in contracted form mostly while
we speak. In this poem, ‘you’ve’ stands for ‘You have’. Tell
the students about other words in contracted form, e.g. ‘can’t’ for ‘cannot’ , ‘I’m’ for ‘I am’ , etc.
form :-
We are –
We’re | They are – They’re | You are –
She is –
She’s |
He is – He’s | It is – It’s
Do not –
Don’t | Does not – Doesn’t
I shall –
I’ll | I will – I’ll
Shall not –
Shan’t | Will not – Won’t
F. Let’s Talk
and Write
Here is
a conversation between two friends. Work with your friends and fill in the
Hena : Hello! Good morning, Rupa.
Rupa : Hi, Hena ! I am __________ . How are you ?
Hena : ____________________ , thank you.
Rupa : We are going on a picnic. Will you come, please ?
Hena : Where _______________________________ ?
Rupa : We ________________________________ .
Hena : I will come.
Rupa : Bye ! See you tomorrow.
Hena : ____________________ .
Answer :-
fine , I am fine, are you going, are going to Botanical
Garden, bye, see you
G. Let’s Say
Speak aloud in pairs/chorus.
trend blend attend
bend send mend
file bile mile pile
Meaning :-
Friend – मित्र Trend – रुझान
Blend - मिश्रण Attend – हाजिर होना
End - अंत
Bend – मोड़
Send - भेजना Mend – मरम्मत करना
File - फाइल Bile – पित्त
Mile - मील Pile – ढेर
H. Let’s Do
Read the
following poem.
Hello, is it you Annu ?
Hi, my buddy, how are you ?
I am fine. Thank you dear,
To a picnic ? When and
Where ?
O. K, I promise to come
Convey my regards to Mom.
Have a good day ! bye, bye,
dear !
See you tomorrow, take
it with the one you have read before in this lesson. Which poem do you like
more ? Give reasons.
Ans :- ‘ HELLO ! HELLO ! ’ is more interesting out of the two poems. I like
‘HELLO ! HELLO !’ poem more because ‘Let Me Dial’ poem is a monologue and
gives very short expression whereas
‘Hello ! Hello !’ poem is a dialogue and gives a joyful expression.
I hope u would like reading these all chapters of bihar text book class 4 English.
Here, ‘Let me dial class 4 question answer’ is fully explained. Write these questions answers of ‘let me dial’ class 4 English chapter 4 bihar board in your fair copy.
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