dissertation or thesis on ferroelectric materials : its properties and application


Ferroelectric materials: Its properties and application


                                                                Submitted by




Reg. No. – 182011521393008


Roll No. – 1920191050025


In the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of








Dr. Seema Sharma













                                              DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS


                                                           A.N.COLLEGE, PATNA


                                             PATLIPUTRA UNIVERSITY

















                                  Anugrah Narayan College, Patna


This is to certify that the thesis entitled “FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS: ITS PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS” is submitted by RAHUL RAJ (Roll No - 1920191050025) to this institute in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Science in Department of Physics, is a bonafied record of the work carried out under my supervision and guidance. It is further certified that no part of this thesis is submitted for the award of any degree.


                                                                                    (Dr. Seema Sharma)



           Date –                                                                        Department of  Physics
















I have great pleasure to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Seema Sharma, Department of Physics, A. N. College Patna, for providing their valuable guidance, suggestions and encouragement throughout the course of the dissertation. Her constant superintendence kept my spirits high and allowed me to take this dissertation to its best possible outcome. I would also like to thank to all professors to help in my project.


I owe my respect to all my professors for inspiring my interest in Physics and all non-teaching staffs of the Department of Physics for their timely help and cooperation.





                Date :                                                                                    (RAHUL RAJ)











1. Introduction …………………………….……. ( 7 – 8 )

                   2. Theory of ferroelectrics ……………………… ( 8 – 10 )

                  3. Ferroelectrics phase transitions ………………. ( 10 – 14 )

                      3.1. Phase changes …………………………… ( 11 - 12  )

                      3.2. How phase transition works ………………( 12 - 14  )

                  4.  Polarization in ferroelectric materials ………... ( 14 – 17 )

                      4.1. Hysteresis loop …………………………… ( 15 - 17 )

                  5. Types of ferroelectric materials ……………….. ( 18 – 22 )

                       5.1. Perovskite ferroelectric materials …….…….  ( 18 )

                       5.2. Ilmenite ferroelectric materials ………….….  ( 18 )

                       5.3. Polymeric ferroelectric materials ………...  ( 18 – 22 )

                6. Applications of ferroelectric materials ………….. ( 23 – 25 )

                7. Bibliography …………………………………….. ( 26 – 27 )
















In terms of advances in technology, especially electronic devices for human use, there are needs for miniaturization, low power, and flexibility. However, there are problems that can be caused by these changes in terms of battery life and size. In order to compensate for these problems, research on energy harvesting using environmental energy (mechanical energy, thermal energy, solar energy etc.) has attracted attention. Ferroelectric materials which have switchable dipole moment are promising for energy harvesting fields because of its special properties such as strong dipole moment, piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity. The strong dipole moment in ferroelectric materials can increase internal potential and output power of energy harvesters. In this review, we will provide an overview of the recent research on various energy harvesting fields using ferroelectrics. A brief introduction to energy harvesting and the properties of the ferroelectric material are described, and applications to energy harvesters to improve output power are described as well.














  List of figures

               Figure 1.  A graph depicting the relationship between spontaneous polarization and    

                                temperature. Above Tc the material becomes paraelectric and has no   

                                spontaneous polarization.     ( 10 )

               Figure 2. Phase change owing to rise or fall of temperature ( 13 )

               Figure 3. Phase change owing to rise or fall of pressure  ( 14 )

              Figure 4. Ferroelectric (P-E) hysteresis loop  ( 16 )






















1. Introduction

Two of the most important trends in recent electronic technology have been the size reduction and functional improvement of mobile electronic devices. Mobile electronic devices are small, portable, and contain a variety of information that is instantly accessible at all times, including the ability to share and communicate information wirelessly. These devices are becoming even smaller and lighter so that they can be wearable or attachable to objects that can be used daily, such as a watch, glasses, or clothes. All devices that are based on microelectronic technology require a lot of external power supply due to their increased functions, and batteries are the most important power source for mobile electronic devices. However, batteries take up increasingly significant parts of the overall device volume and weight as the electronic devices are miniaturized. Moreover, battery technology is limited in energy capacity per volume for supplying sufficient energy to a mobile electronic device.


Therefore, many studies have been focused on reducing power consumption and designing energy efficient devices to reduce the sizes but extend the lifetimes of the batteries. Nevertheless, the batteries must be replaced or recharged after being discharged, and this is an obstacle to realizing always-on wearable electronic devices. In order to make up for this problem, we need to develop an energy harvesting system that can harvest and reuse energy sources from the ambient environment. Energy harvesters convert various environmental energy sources such as mechanical stress, vibration, light, and heat, etc. to electrical energy. Each energy source can be converted to electrical energy by each coupled-physical phenomenon such as piezoelectric, triboelectric photovoltaic, and thermoelectric (or pyroelectric) effects. The amount of output energy obtained from piezoelectric effect is ~ 5.92 μW/cm2, triboelectric effect is ~ 0.7 mW/cm2, photovoltaic effect is ~ 22.1 mW/cm2, and pyroelectric effect is 1.4 μW/cm2. The working principle of each energy harvester is different, but basically, electric current is generated by internal polarization or potential. Therefore, increasing the polarization density is important for improving output power of energy harvester. Conventional materials have limitation in increasing internal polarization because of low polarization density. Moreover hardness of the conventional materials hinders application to wearable devices. However introducing novel materials with strong and permanent polarization, ferroelectric materials, can overcome these limitations. Ferroelectric materials have permanent dipole moments once electric field is applied, so polarization density can be increased through the insertion of ferroelectric materials. First, we will briefly describe the types of ferroelectric materials as well as the basic theory of energy harvesting technologies. A material can be either piezoelectric, pyroelectric or ferroelectric, only if its crystalline symmetry is inherent. A basic principle due to Neumann is that any physical property exhibited by a crystal must have at least the symmetry of the point group of the crystal. Thus, the above properties, which are inherently asymmetric, can only arise in asymmetric crystals.



2.  Theory of Ferroelectrics :


Ferroelectric materials can be defined as dielectric materials in which polarization remains permanently, even after removing the applied electric field. Moreover, the direction of the dipole moment can be switched by applying electric field. Among the 32 crystal classes, 21 have non-centrosymmetric and 20 have direct piezoelectricity among them, which forms polarization through mechanical stress. Ten of the piezoelectric crystal classes have spontaneous electric polarization and this electric polarization varies with temperature change which is called pyroelectricity. Some of the pyroelectric materials are ferroelectric materials whose polarization can be reversed by external electric field. Therefore, ferroelectric materials have both pyroelectricity and piezoelectricity. In all FE materials there is an accompanying non-linear behavior relating polarization and electric field. Electric polarization is a measure of the average dipole moment volume density; it is an indicator of how strong and wellaligned the dipoles are in a material. When an electric field is applied to a FE material the polarization rapidly increases before becoming linear, it is at this point that extrapolation to the zero electric field determines the value of spontaneous polarization.


The ferroelectricity can be tested by measuring polarization as a function of electric field. Ferroelectric materials have spontaneous polarization, and this varies with external electric field, so in a polarization versus electric field curve. However, the ferroelectricity is shown only after the phase transition below a certain temperature, called Curie temperature (TC).

These materials have perovskite structures, like BaTiO3, whose general chemical formula is ABO3, where A and B atoms are cations. Normally the A cation has radius of 1.2–1.6 Å and B cation has one of 0.6–0.7 Å. A atoms are positioned at the cube corner and oxygen atoms are positioned at the face center and form an octahedron surrounding the B atom which is positioned at the body center. Under electric field, the position of B cation shifts, then the geometrically unbalanced electrical charge forms a dipole moment.


The ilmenite ferroelectric materials have the same chemical formula as perovskite materials, ABO3, e.g. LiNbO3 and LiTaO3. However, the A cation is too small to fill the position of the perovskite crystal coordinate. Oxygen atoms comprise hexagonal close-packed layer, and A and B atoms are positioned at the octahedron site between layers.


The first discovered and the most representative polymeric ferroelectric material is polyvinylidene fluoride. Polymers have long carbon backbone, so their structure is complex and has a lot of configurations depending on whether the neighboring carbon bonds are trans or gauche. Among the configurations of PVDF. The β-phase has all trans configuration. The fluorine atoms have the strongest electronegativity, resulting C–F polar bond so that PVDF molecule has dipole moment in perpendicular direction to its carbon chain. However, the dipole moments of the pristine polymer chains are not arranged in single direction, so the net polarization is zero. Therefore, a strong electric field is required to arrange the dipole moments of chains, which is called  electrical poling.


Energy harvesting utilizes various energy sources, including mechanical, thermal, and solar energies. Each energy source can be converted to electrical energy through each coupled-physical phenomenon, but basic principle is same: the variation of the internal dipole moment or potential. Therefore, the introduction of ferroelectric materials to energy harvesters can increase dipole moments and potential in the devices due to the strong polarization in the ferroelectric materials so that conversion efficiency can be enhanced.

Figure 1.  A graph depicting the relationship between spontaneous polarization and temperature. Above Tc the material becomes paraelectric and has no spontaneous polarization.


Since polarization is a vector, there is a direction associated with its magnitude, groups of similarly oriented dipoles are known as a domain. Domain walls are the boundaries between different dipoles, groups of dipoles aligned in varying directions; much like a fence separates yards. The application of an external electric field will change the direction of the polarization within a domain; the dipoles will want to align with the applied electric field, leading to a process known as domain switching. In some cases the presence of an internal bias field due to defect dipoles can affect the field necessary for domain switching resulting in anomalous behavior of the hysteresis loop.



3. Ferroelectric phase transitions


In a perfect ferroelectric crystal, the phase transition takes place at temperature 𝑇𝐶 which is called the Curie temperature. Real (defected) crystals and ceramic samples are characterized by a presence of built-in electric field and mechanical strains. In the case of the real crystal, the temperature of the phase transition 𝑇𝐶, is displaced to lower temperature and the temperature of the maximum of ε(T)T𝑚 is displaced to higher value with respect to 𝑇𝐶.Thus, for the real ferroelectric sample (not for an incipient ferroelectric), one has 𝑇𝐶<T𝐶<T𝑚. Some investigators suppose by default that 𝑇𝐶=T𝐶=T𝑚. Such a supposition is wrong and can lead to an incorrect treatment of experimental results. In the case of a thin film sample, the phase transition and the dielectric response of a ferroelectric sample are affected by the size of the sample, what is treated as a size effect. Experimental data obtained as a result of measurement of the dielectric constant as a function of temperature can be used for finding the Curie temperature and other parameters of the material. First-order phase transitions exhibit a discontinuity in the first derivative of the Gibbs free energy with respect to the thermodynamic variable. Second-order phase transitions are continuous in the first derivative but exhibit discontinuity in a second derivative of the Gibbs free energy with respect to a thermodynamic variable . In the first-order phase transition, volume, entropy and polarization of the crystal change discontinuously at the transition point. In the second-order phase transition, the specific heat changes discontinuously, ‘whereas volume, entropy and polarization change continuously at the phase transition point. In the first-order phase transition, the energy appearing as latent heat in an infinitely narrow temperature range interval. Phase transition is when a substance changes from a solid, liquid, or gas state to a different state. Every element and substance can transition from one phase to another at a specific combination of temperature and pressure.


Phase Changes


Each substance has three phases it can change into; solid, liquid, or gas(1). Every substance is in one of these three phases at certain temperatures. The temperature and pressure at which the substance will change is very dependent on the intermolecular forces that are acting on the molecules and atoms of the substance(2). There can be two phases coexisting in a single container at the same time. This typically happens when the substance is transitioning from one phase to another. This is called a two-phase state(4). In the example of ice melting, while the ice is melting, there is both solid water and liquid water in the cup.

There are six ways a substance can change between these three phases; melting, freezing, evaporating, condensing, sublimination, and deposition(2). These processes are reversible and each transfers between phases differently:

  • Melting: The transition from the solid to the liquid phase
  • Freezing: The transition from the liquid phase to the solid phase
  • Evaporating: The transition from the liquid phase to the gas phase
  • Condensing:The transition from the gas phase to the liquid phase
  • Sublimination: The transition from the solid phase to the gas phase
  • Deposition: The transition from the gas phase to the solid phase


How Phase Transition works


There are two variables to consider when looking at phase transition, pressure (P) and temperature (T). For the gas state, The relationship between temperature and pressure is defined by the equations below:

Ideal Gas Law:

PV=nRT ………….. (1)

van der Waals Equation of State:

(P+an2V2)(V−nb)=nRT  ………….. (2)

Where V is volume, R is the gas constant, and n is the number of moles of gas.

The ideal gas law assumes that no intermolecular forces are affecting the gas in any way, while the van der Waals equation includes two constants, a and b, that account for any intermolecular forces acting on the molecules of the gas.




Temperature can change the phase of a substance. One common example is putting water in a freezer to change it into ice. In the picture above, we have a solid substance in a container. When we put it on a heat source, like a burner, heat is transferred to the substance increasing the kinetic energy of the molecules in the substance. The temperature increases until the substance reaches its melting point. As more and more heat is transferred beyond the melting point, the substance begins to melt and become a liquid. This type of phase change is called an isobaric process because the pressure of the system stays at a constant level.

 tempurature phase change.png


                Figure 2. Phase change owing to rise or fall of temperature


Melting point (Tf)

Each substance has a melting point. The melting point is the temperature that a solid will become a liquid. At different pressures, different temperatures are required to melt a substance. Each pure element on the periodic table has a normal melting point, the temperature that the element will become liquid when the pressure is 1 atmosphere.

Boiling Point (Tb)

Each substance also has a boiling point. The boiling point is the temperature that a liquid will evaporate into a gas. The boiling point will change based on the temperature and pressure. Just like the melting point, each pure element has a normal boiling point at 1 atmosphere.



Pressure can also be used to change the phase of the substance. In the picture above, we have a container fitted with a piston that seals in a gas. As the piston compresses the gas, the pressure increases. Once the boiling point has been reached, the gas will condense into a liquid. As the piston continues to compress the liquid, the pressure will increase until the melting point has been reached. The liquid will then freeze into a solid. This example is for an isothermal process where the temperature is constant and only the pressure is changing.



                Figure 3. Phase change owing to rise or fall of pressure


4. Polarization in ferroelectric materials


The nonlinear nature of ferroelectric materials can be used to make capacitors with adjustable capacitance. Typically, a ferroelectric capacitor simply consists of a pair of electrodes sandwiching a layer of ferroelectric material. The permittivity of ferroelectrics is not only adjustable but commonly also very high, especially when close to the phase transition temperature. Because of this, ferroelectric capacitors are small in physical size compared to dielectric (non-tunable) capacitors of similar capacitance.


The spontaneous polarization of ferroelectric materials implies a hysteresis effect which can be used as a memory function, and ferroelectric capacitors are indeed used to make ferroelectric RAM for computers and RFID cards. In these applications thin films of ferroelectric materials are typically used, as this allows the field required to switch the polarization to be achieved with a moderate voltage. However, when using thin films a great deal of attention needs to be paid to the interfaces, electrodes and sample quality for devices to work reliably.


Ferroelectric materials are required by symmetry considerations to be also piezoelectric and pyroelectric. The combined properties of memory, piezoelectricity, and pyroelectricity make ferroelectric capacitors very useful, e.g. for sensor applications. Ferroelectric capacitors are used in medical ultrasound machines (the capacitors generate and then listen for the ultrasound ping used to image the internal organs of a body), high quality infrared cameras (the infrared image is projected onto a two dimensional array of ferroelectric capacitors capable of detecting temperature differences as small as millionths of a degree Celsius), fire sensors, sonar, vibration sensors, and even fuel injectors on diesel engines.Another idea of recent interest is the ferroelectric tunnel junction  in which a contact is made up by nanometer-thick ferroelectric film placed between metal electrodes. The thickness of the ferroelectric layer is small enough to allow tunneling of electrons. The piezoelectric and interface effects as well as the depolarization field may lead to a giant electroresistance  switching effect.


Yet another burgeoning application is multiferroics, where researchers are looking for ways to couple magnetic and ferroelectric ordering within a material or heterostructure; there are several recent reviews on this topic.

Catalytic properties of ferroelectrics have been studied since 1952 when Parravano observed anomalies in CO oxidation rates over ferroelectric sodium and potassium niobates near the Curie temperature of these materials Surface-perpendicular component of the ferroelectric polarization can dope polarization-dependent charges on surfaces of ferroelectric materials, changing their chemistry.This opens the possibility of performing catalysis beyond the limits of the Sabatier principle. Sabatier principle states that the surface-adsorbates interaction has to be an optimal amount: not too weak to be inert toward the reactants and not too strong to poison the surface and avoid desorption of the products: a compromise situation. This set of optimum interactions is usually referred to as "top of the volcano" in activity volcano plots.On the other hand, ferroelectric polarization-dependent chemistry can offer the possibility of switching the surface — adsorbates interaction from strong adsorption to strong desorption, thus a compromise between desorption and adsorption is no longer needed.Ferroelectric polarization can also act as an energy harvester. Polarization can help the separation of photo-generated electron-hole pairs, leading to enhanced photocatalysis.Also, due to pyroelectric and piezoelectric effects under varying temperature (heating/cooling cycles) or varying strain (vibrations) conditions extra charges can appear on the surface and drive various (electro) chemical reactions forward.


Hysteresis loop

 a cycle of alternating changes involving elastic, magnetic, or dielectric hysteresis is called hysteresis loop. In order to understand the hysteresis loop of ferroelectric materials, we deduced a novel model combined with the electric field, the temperature and the stress as a united parameter for describing the diversified hysteresis loops. This model indicated that the hysteresis loop of ferroelectric materials can be determined by the saturation of polarization, the coercive field and the electric susceptibility as well as the equivalent energy field analytically.



                              Figure 4. Ferroelectric (P-E) hysteresis loop.


Dielectric hysteresis was discovered by Valasek and may be defined as an effect in a dielectric material similar to the hysteresis found in magnetic materials. In this case, the electric displacement D for one direction in the crystal (parallel to the x axis) was not only determined by the applied field E, but also depended on its previous values. At low electric fields and at very high electric fields a ferroelectric behaves like an ordinary dielectric with a high dielectric constant, but at the coercive field Ec polarization reversal occurs and induces a large dielectric non-linearity.


At zero field (E0) the electric displacement within a single domain has two values (-Pr and +Pr), representing the opposite orientations of the spontaneous polarization. In a multiple-domain crystal the average zero-field displacement can have any value between these two extremes (-Pr < D < +Pr). Ferroelectric materials have a spontaneous electric polarization ,

i.e., they naturally possess dipole moment that add up in the direction normal to a flat surface to provide a net electrical polarization. While most materials can be polarized by applying an external electric field, not all have a spontaneous polarization (nonzero polarization even when the applied field is zero). When induced polarization is linearly proportional to the applied external electric field, it is called dielectric polarization and the materials that exhibit this behavior are called dielectrics. The slope of the polarization curve is defined as dielectric

permittivity of the material. In some materials, however, the relationship between the induced polarization and the external electric field is nonlinear. Such materials are termed as paraelecric.


Function of the external electric field as the slope of the polarization curve varies with change in electric field. Ferroelectric materials, on the other hand, demonstrate the peculiar polarization curve, which is characterized by a hysteresis loop. It can be noted that the electric polarization of such materials is dependent not only on the directionand magnitude of the instantaneous electric field, but also on the history of polarization. The electric polarization of ferroelectric materials has nonzero value when the applied electric field is zero. Also, the direction of the polarization in ferroelectric materials switches when the direction of the applied alternating electric field is reversed. However, reversal is often accompanied by some hysteresis, which leads to the phenomenon of ferroelectric hysteresis.


Most ferroelectric materials exhibit a transition temperature (called Curie point), where the spontaneous polarization of a ferroelectric material drops to zero. Increasing the temperature above the Curie point causes the ferroelectric material to transition into a nonferroelectric or paraelectric phase. polarization vs electric field curves of a ferroelectric material before and after the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition. Change in polarization of a ferroelectric material with respect to temperatureat different applied electric fields. Blue curve depicts polarization vs temperature relationship, when no electric field is applied. Increasing the temperature reduces the polarization, and when temperate is equal to the Curie temperature, polarization reduces to zero. Curie temperature of the ferroelectric materials is of special interest in the  field of ferroelectric thermal energy harvesting because the pyroelectric coefficient (gradient of polarization vs temperature, dPdT) is high near Curie temperature.






Types of ferroelectric materials


Perovskite ferroelectric materials


These materials have perovskite structures, like BaTiO3, whose general chemical formula is ABO3, where A and B atoms are cations. Normally the A cation has radius of 1.2–1.6 Å and B cation has one of 0.6–0.7 Å. A atoms are positioned at the cube corner and oxygen atoms are positioned at the face center and form an octahedron surrounding the B atom which is positioned at the body center. Under electric field, the position of B cation shifts, then the geometrically unbalanced electrical charge forms a dipole moment.


Ilmenite ferroelectric materials


The ilmenite ferroelectric materials have the same chemical formula as perovskite materials, ABO3, e.g. LiNbO3 and LiTaO3. However, the A cation is too small to fill the position of the perovskite crystal coordinate. Oxygen atoms comprise hexagonal close-packed layer, and A and B atoms are positioned at the octahedron site between layers.


Polymeric ferroelectric materials


The first discovered and the most representative polymeric ferroelectric material is polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). Polymers have long carbon backbone, so their structure is complex and has a lot of configurations depending on whether the neighboring carbon bonds are trans or gauche. The β-phase has all trans configuration. The fluorine atoms have the strongest electronegativity, resulting C–F polar bond so that PVDF molecule has dipole moment in perpendicular direction to its carbon chain. However, the dipole moments of the pristine polymer chains are not arranged in single direction, so the net polarization is zero. Therefore, a strong electric field is required to arrange the dipole moments of chains, which is called electrical poling. In addition, copolymer with trifluoroethylene (10–46%) helps the formation of β-phase.


Energy harvesting utilizes various energy sources, including mechanical, thermal, and solar energies. Each energy source can be converted to electrical energy through each coupled-physical phenomenon, but basic principle is same: the variation of the internal dipole moment or potential. Therefore, the introduction of ferroelectric materials to energy harvesters can increase dipole moments and potential in the devices due to the strong polarization in the ferroelectric materials so that conversion efficiency can be enhanced.


Piezoelectric effect is a coupling phenomenon of mechanical strain and electric charge separation. When mechanical stress is applied to the materials which have asymmetric crystal structures, the crystal structure is deformed, resulting in a separation of the center of charges. The charge separation induces a dipole moment that is proportional to stress or strain (direct piezoelectric effect). Since this was first discovered by Pierre Curie and Jacques Curie in 1880 using quartz and Rochell salt, many piezoelectric materials, such as PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 (PZT), BaTiO3 (BTO), ZnO, and PVDF have been studied and had their piezoelectric constants measured.


Due to the coupling effect of mechanical strain and electric charge separation in piezoelectric effect, the piezoelectric effect has been exploited to convert mechanical energy. Energy harvesting using the piezoelectric effect was first introduced by Wang’s group using piezoelectric semiconducting ZnO nanowires. Since then, a lot of research on piezoelectric energy harvesters, called piezoelectric nanogenerators (PENG), has been reported. Many researchers have attempted to enhance the output performance of PENG by designing new devices. Among the various factors to increase output performance, the development of a material with a high piezoelectric coefficient is the most important.

Ferroelectric materials have piezoelectricity as well, and their piezoelectric coefficient is relatively high (d33 of PMN-PT ferroelectric ceramic is 630 pC/N). Initially, dipole moments in ferroelectric material are randomly aligned so it has neither polarization nor piezoelectricity. However, once strong electric field is applied, dipole moments are aligned in a single direction and piezoelectricity is formed. Therefore, PENGs made of ferroelectric materials have been reported.


Ferroelectric ceramics with perovskite structure have relatively high piezoelectric coefficients, so PENGs made of piezoelectric ceramics, such as BTO, PZT, ZnSnO3, and Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-PT), show high output powers. However, ceramic is a rigid material so it should be deposited as a thin film in order to be flexible. Park et al. reported a thin film BTO based PENG in 2010. The MIM (metal–insulator-metal, Au/BTO/Pt) structure was patterned with a ribbon structure (300 μm × 50 μm) array by photolithography and gas-based ICP-RIE etching. The patterned MIM structure was transferred onto a plastic substrate (Kapton film) using a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamp. Finally, SU8 epoxy was spin-coated on MIM structure and a metal grid was connected to the top and bottom electrodes.

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The PENG with BTO thin film on flexible substrate is driven by compressive force and bending. Then, tensile stress is applied to BTO film. The deformation of the BTO film by tensile stress generates piezoelectric polarization and induces charge induction in electrode resulting in electrical current (Fig. 2c). Figure 2d shows the output current (~ 10 nA) and voltage (0.3 V) of flexible BTO PENG with 1350 MIM structure arrays by periodic bending and unbending. The BTO based PENG shows the possibility of ferroelectric ceramic material for flexible and high output energy harvesters through thin film deposition and the transferring technique.


Ferroelectric-polymer composite PENG 


In order to further enhance output power, other ferroelectric materials with higher piezoelectric coefficients such as PZT and PMN-PT were used for energy harvesters. The high-power PENGs with thin film ferroelectric materials were integrated on flexible plastic substrate and utilized for bio-implantable devices. Although the output power of PENGs successfully increased up to an open-circuit voltage of 200 V and short-circuit current density of 150 μA/cm2, ferroelectric materials are deposited as thin film, resulting in the limitation of output power and fabricating large area devices. Moreover, rigid ferroelectric thin film cannot be used under strong force.

In order to solve these problems, polymer supported ferroelectric powders in PENG have been reported. Polymer matrix-ferroelectric powder composite has advantages in large area fabrication due to easy fabrication process and low-cost, high stress application, and mechanical durability. In particular, ZnSnO3 is an ecofriendly and biofriendly lead-free piezoelectric/ferroelectric material and used as a high-power energy harvester without electrical poling. The XRD pattern indicates that the crystal structure of ZnSnO3 is rhombohedral. The rhombohedral structure of ZnSnO3 is comprised of two octahedral ZnO6 and SnO6. As illustrated, each octahedron has three long bonds and three short bonds, so Sn and Zn atoms are placed on a deviated position from the octahedron center, resulting in non-centrosymmetry and ferroelectricity.

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Polymeric ferroelectric based PENG 


The ferroelectric powder-embedded polymer composite shows high output power and mechanical stability but is not acceptable for low magnitude and frequency input force. Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) is one of the representative ferroelectric polymers. Its copolymer poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) (PVDF-TrFE) has a high piezoelectric coefficient of d31 = 25 pC/N, d33 = 40 pC/N and its flexibility is promising for application in fully flexible, foldable, twistable, and stretchable PENG. Previously reported PENGs comprised of plastic substrate and metal electrode have limitation in flexibility and stretchability. However, the semi-metallic two-dimensional carbon material, graphene, is a promising electrode for flexible electrode due to its high mechanical durability and elasticity (1 TPa).

Lee et al. developed highly sensitive P(VDF-TrFE) PENG, which is comprised of PDMS polymer substrate and P(VDF-TrFE) sandwiched with graphene electrodes. The output voltage of the highly sensitive PENG made of P(VDF-TrFE) and graphene electrodes were investigated and compared to PENG with PEN substrate under application of sound wave (82–110 dB at 100 Hz) . P(VDF-TrFE) PENG shows enhancement of voltage from 50 mV to 600 mV because of its highly sensitive response to input sound wave. In contrast, the PENG on the PEN substrate has no output signal at low power of sound wave (85–95 dB) but increases from 10 mV to 22 mV at 100–110 dB.

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Triboelectric effect is the charge exchange between two materials through contact or rubbing each other. Although the detailed mechanism of triboelectric effect remains elusive, there are four possibilities: electron transfer, ion transfer, material transfer, and mechano-chemistry. Triboelectric charging occurs by complex of these four phenomena. Numerical prediction of triboelectric charging is not possible yet because there are too many factors to determine triboelectric effect, but triboelectric charge polarity is predictable using triboelectric series.

Static charges by triboelectric effect have been considered as disturbance to human health and especially industry because the charges have an effect on electric devices. Therefore, there have been efforts to prevent the triboelectric effect. However, prof. Zhong Lin Wang’s group invented a new type of energy harvester called a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) which exploits the triboelectric effect in 2012. TENG extend energy harvesting field more widely due to its simple structure, light weight, and high output power.


Controllable charge transfer by ferroelectric polarization 


In TENG, there is charge transfer between two materials. Generally, the amount and polarity of charge is determined by material properties, especially work function. However, work function is hardly modulated, so controlling triboelectric effect of existing material is very limited. Introduction of ferroelectric material can control and increase triboelectric charging behavior due to its switchable and controllable polarization.

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a very good tool for investigating ferroelectric and triboelectric behavior, because both electrical polarizing and characterizing ferroelectric polarization are available. Lee et al. investigated triboelectric behavior of P(VDF-TrFE) polymer affected by triboelectric polarization. First, P(VDF-TrFE) surface was polarized by applying positive and negative bias voltage using AFM tip. During the electrical poling process, the charges are over-injected from the AFM tip, so the surface potential image at the initial state polarity opposite to ferroelectric polarization. However, the over-injected charges are discharged as time goes on and surface potential shows ferroelectric polarization. After surface potential become stable, the P(VDF-TrFE) surface was rubbed with AFM tip to investigate triboelectric effect. The surface potential on the region which has each different direction of ferroelectric polarization became enhanced after rubbing. Even at a stable state, there are screen charges on the polarized region, and these charges are transferred to the AFM tip during the rubbing process.



Applications of ferroelectrics

Conventional ferroelectric materials are normally used in sensors and actuators, memory devices, and field effect transistors, etc. Recent progress in this area showed that ferroelectric materials can harvest energy from multiple sources including mechanical energy, thermal fluctuations, and light. Beginning with the fundamentals of ferroelectric materials, Ferroelectric Materials for Energy Applications offers in-depth chapter coverage of: piezoelectric energy generation; ferroelectric photovoltaics; organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites for solar energy conversion; ferroelectric ceramics and thin films in electric energy storage; ferroelectric polymer composites in electric energy storage; pyroelectric energy harvesting; ferroelectrics in electrocaloric cooling; ferroelectric in photocatalysis; The bi-stable polarization of ferroelectrics makes them useful for binary memory systems. There are volatile and non-volatile memory devices in erasable semiconductor memories.

The nonlinear nature of ferroelectric materials can be used to make capacitors with adjustable capacitance. Typically, a ferroelectric capacitor simply consists of a pair of electrodes sandwiching a layer of ferroelectric material. The permittivity of ferroelectrics is not only adjustable but commonly also very high, especially when close to the phase transition temperature. Because of this, ferroelectric capacitors are small in physical size compared to dielectric (non-tunable) capacitors of similar capacitance.

The spontaneous polarization of ferroelectric materials implies a hysteresis effect which can be used as a memory function, and ferroelectric capacitors are indeed used to make ferroelectric RAM for computers and RFID cards. In these applications thin films of ferroelectric materials are typically used, as this allows the field required to switch the polarization to be achieved with a moderate voltage. However, when using thin films a great deal of attention needs to be paid to the interfaces, electrodes and sample quality for devices to work reliably.

Ferroelectric materials are required by symmetry considerations to be also piezoelectric and pyroelectric. The combined properties of memory, piezoelectricity, and pyroelectricity make ferroelectric capacitors very useful, e.g. for sensor applications. Ferroelectric capacitors are used in medical ultrasound machines (the capacitors generate and then listen for the ultrasound ping used to image the internal organs of a body), high quality infrared cameras (the infrared image is projected onto a two dimensional array of ferroelectric capacitors capable of detecting temperature differences as small as millionths of a degree Celsius), fire sensors, sonar, vibration sensors, and even fuel injectors on diesel engines.

Another idea is the ferroelectric tunnel junction in which a contact is made up by nanometer-thick ferroelectric film placed between metal electrodes. The thickness of the ferroelectric layer is small enough to allow tunneling of electrons. The piezoelectric and interface effects as well as the depolarization field may lead to a giant electroresistance (GER) switching effect.

Yet another burgeoning application is multiferroics, where researchers are looking for ways to couple magnetic and ferroelectric ordering within a material or heterostructure; there are several recent reviews on this topic.

Catalytic properties of ferroelectrics have been studied when Parravano observed anomalies in CO oxidation rates over ferroelectric sodium and potassium niobates near the Curie temperature of these materials. Surface-perpendicular component of the ferroelectric polarization can dope polarization-dependent charges on surfaces of ferroelectric materials, changing their chemistry. This opens the possibility of performing catalysis beyond the limits of the Sabatier principle. Sabatier principle states that the surface-adsorbates interaction has to be an optimal amount: not too weak to be inert toward the reactants and not too strong to poison the surface and avoid desorption of the products: a compromise situation. This set of optimum interactions is usually referred to as "top of the volcano" in activity volcano plots. On the other hand, ferroelectric polarization-dependent chemistry can offer the possibility of switching the surface—adsorbates interaction from strong adsorption to strong desorption, thus a compromise between desorption and adsorption is no longer needed. Ferroelectric polarization can also act as an energy harvester. Polarization can help the separation of photo-generated electron-hole pairs, leading to enhanced photocatalysis.Also, due to pyroelectric and piezoelectric effects under varying temperature (heating/cooling cycles) or varying strain (vibrations) conditions extra charges can appear on the surface and drive various (electro)chemical reactions forward.





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